Period starting and stopping

Hi ladies,

For the past few months, my period has been irregular. It starts and last 2-4 days then I stop bleeding for a day or two, then I bleed again for maybe another day or two, sometimes only for a few hours.

My period was very regular prior to this year. It was consistent in length and flow, and I could pretty much predict when it would start and stop, and it was usually painless. Now, I also experience more painful cramps and other symptoms than I used to.

I was thinking this was normal because I went through something traumatic at the beginning of this year which I’m sure threw my hormones and entire body out of balance, but it has been about 8 months now, and my period is still wacky.

Do you think it will go back to normal soon, or should I be concerned and try to see a gyno? I’d really rather avoid going to the doctor unless absolutely necessary.