opinions please!

so i have a strange situation! it has me very confused. with my last pregnancy, about 2yrs ago, i apparently conceived over a full week after i was supposed to ovulate in july. i never suspected i was pregnant because of this, and also i had a negative test and then a period. my period started about 30 days after the start of my last period. it lasted 7 days and was a normal flow, which for me is heavy. and timing wise, this was a late start for my period. this was in august that year. then in that September, my period was late so i tested and i was positive! turns out that must’ve been implantation bleeding BUT when i look up implantation bleeding, it is described as earlier than a period (mine was later) it says it only lasts a few days (mine was 7) and that it is light in flow (mine was heavy). has this happened to anyone?! i am mainly asking because i am having pregnancy symptoms currently but also started a “period”(?) today. i am bleeding with what SEEMS like a full period. but it came late, which is not normal for me, other than that implantation bleeding. this is my fertile time of year and this time around i had a faint line test, could’ve been evap but was blue & thick, just very faint. normally evap are described as colorless and thin. but i also had a then a negative test after that (like last time) … thoughts!? my body is so abnormal 😭 lol!