Supplements for IVF prep

Hi, how do you know what supplements and vitamins will help you? I am only taking omega 3 dha, prenatals, coq10, vitamin D and met***min (sometimes). Are there specific tests that your Dr is supposed to test you for to see if you need extra supplements? I noticed other ladies mention on here that they are taking supplements like NAD, Ovasitol, Omni, DHEA etc and no one has told me to take these. I had 2 euploids during my first retrieval but I am doing a 2nd retrieval soon and this will be my last retrieval so I want to get better results. Should I find a Dr that will give me the proper tests to see if I need this? I feel like my Dr maybe hiding important info like this on purpose so I won't get much eggs and will have to keep doing retrievals which makes them money. What do you think? Should I go to a different Dr for my second retrieval?