9 month old meals? Stressing

So I know social media is the worst when it comes to taking advice or watching other people and trying to compare..

But I been seeing so many videos like “what my 8 month old ate” and it’s like scrambled eggs sliced waffles broccoli rice…. I currently have a 9 month old who only “solids” she’s had is like grainy baby food puree or cheese puffs “gerbert baby puffs”.. little stuff like that plus bottles or here and there I’ll give her beans. She eats maybe 3 baby food puree a day. Just the runny baby food I’m not sure what it’s called. And now I’m just sitting here feeling like I failed her and I know it’s something so small but have I been under feeding my baby? Should she be eating eggs bread and rice on her own by now? This is my first kid and I’m so terrified of her choking like I have trauma from watching my younger brother choke and it stuck with me.. but I also don’t want to hold her back or not feed her properly. her dr also has never mentioned baby food until this last check up and said u can give her different flavors every 3 days. But didn’t specify what kind of food I can give.. I’m stressing. Please no judgement… calling all mommas for help😢!?