feeling wank


i’ve had a generally busy weekend. i work in a bar, on friday i was working from 7 - 2:45ish which isnt crazy by any means. went to sleep around 4.

had to be up for half 8 for a course i had to do for a new job, so had like 4 hours sleep or so.

last night i was exhausted so i went to bed around half 11. my fricking dog woke me up at 4:30am to pee, and my sister forgot her key coming home from the night club at 6:30am or so. i had to walk to the exam centre at 7:30 so i just stayed awake from then on.

i’ve been feeling so terrible this weekend. my diet has changed because i’m trying to eat healthier, and i’ve been a bit backed up. i’m just nauseous, have a cough coming on, been sneezing like mental and am just knackered. i really don’t think i’m pregnant, my partner has a vasectomy and i have pcos so it would be an absolute miracle if i was (not particularly a miracle i want). i’m gonna test tomorrow anyway just in case, my last period was around september 2nd - 7th and i’m due in 6 days so not panicking yet.

it’s definitely just a flu or something because my bedroom is absooooolutely freezing constantly but i feel like i’m hungover ?? it’s the only way i can describe it. it would be far too early for symptoms anyway like so not stressing. is anyone else sick like this ?? i’m up early tomorrow but have the next three days off so gonna get some rest. everyone cross your fingers and TOES that i’m not pregnant, but i’ll update anyway. really hoping it’s just a stupid cold but we’ll see :)) please let me know if you feeling sinilar with the weather change (exclusively if you’re not pregnant le do thoill lol)