I Can’t Believe This

My children’s father is upset that I was allowing my baby to watch Bluey to keep her occupied while making her food because of a scene where the dad was pretending to give birth. I’m assuming they received a number of complaints and that particular episode cannot be found anywhere except for YouTube. He threw the birthday Bluey toy I gave her for her birthday in the trash. I just feel like he’s overreacting like it’s Bluey for crying out loud, the show is SUPER innocent! I even watched a few episodes by myself just to see if it was appropriate for them to watch. Then says I go against him but he’s literally using this ONE situation to make it seem like I do this all the time when I’m so considerate of his opinion. I run things by him all the time and we come to a collective decision EVERYTIME! This is the only time I’ve stood up to him and said I’m not compromising. Besides he hasn’t even replaced her birthday toy he threw away