I’m going crazy


I'm going crazy, I had a curettage in August for a missed abortion. I had my normal period (exactly 32 days after the curettage), this cycle I've had discomfort all month, like cramps in the ovaries and the feeling that my period was coming. I got curious and have been doing several tests (since 4 DPO) and they've been positive, which indicates that it seems to still be residual hormone.

The first two tests in the image were with the first urine of the morning and the last one, at 5:00 pm (today I'm 8 DPO).

- I feel like I see it more marked but I don't know what to think anymore

When do hormone levels start to drop after a curettage?

do you think the line is more intense?

My curettage was 7 weeks ago and my baby stopped growing at 7 weeks

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