I’m supposed to be s7 weeks 4 days today

Jennifer • I had my rainbow bay 4/22/19 and have been ttc sense, had a miscarriage 10/22 and now pregnant again hoping this will be my second rainbow baby🙏🏽

I have my first ultrasound today and it was over the belly. I’ve recently lost 80 pounds most of the time when I’ve been pregnant before it’s been transvaginal anyway measuring six days behind. I know they told me not to worry. It can be normal and I was measuring a little bit behind with my son, but of course I get in my own head because this is my six pregnancy and only have 1 kid. But on a positive note the is my 3rd longest pregnancy…. My son and then I lost one at 3 months but I was on a medication no one told me to stop taking that causes miscarriages and birth defects with the one I lost at 3 months…. Sorry my thoughts are all over the place.