Period? Where you at?


I haven’t had a period since August.

I’m not on birth control.

I have safe protected sex.

I’ve taken many pregnancy tests for them to come back negative. Last test I took was a week ago.

Sadly I do not have health insurance.

Nothing really has changed with diet or weight.

I don’t think I’ve been too stressed or anything out of the normal.

I’ve been having consistent periods for the past 3-4 years now.

I haven’t been sick or anything I just hate not knowing what is going on with my body and knowing I can’t deal medical help.

I have been getting some sharp pains in my ovary area. That’s been going on for the past month

I wasn’t ever tested for pcos or endometriosis so I wouldn’t even know if that’s something I do struggle with and like said before I can’t really get checked.