9 weeks bleeding/spotting

Hey ladies! Just here to see if any of you have had similar experiences with a good outcome. I am 38 and currently 9 weeks pregnant. I have had light and mild cramping throughout this entire pregnancy along with light brown / dark brown discharge- similar to my 1st pregnancy (daughter now 5). (Week 7 )I had my 1st ultrasound and tons of blood work. Doctor said everything looked great, hb was 153 and all blood work came back normal. My doctor advised based on her findings that there was no cause for concern and that some women have pink/brown and even red spotting/bleeding during 1st trimester along with cramping due to hormonal changes and a growing uterus. Fast forward to last night.... I wiped and had rosey red thin discharge/spotting (not pictured below). Every wipe has been about the same amount as below with some in the toilet after peeing. As of this morning it has become more brown but still sometimes rosey/rusty red. And about the same flow.. enough to stain a panty liner. I called the nurse this AM who advised that the doctor will call me back. Anyone else have anything similar and baby was fine?