Husband and drinking problem first time mom soon..

So, I'm 31 weeks pregnant. I've known my husband for 5 years and we have dated on and off for almost all that time. So we got married when I was 5 months pregnant. He has a drinking problem. It's created some special havoc hell with lying and being sneaky and all sorts of crap when we were dating. I used to drink myself but we only ever drank with each other and it turned into all we did. It made for some super bad memories and it was really unhealthy so I stopped a little before finding out I was pregnant and once I found out I stopped for good. Before we got married he told me he stopped drinking cause he knew that was one of my not okay things and wouldnt be ok with getting married and raising a baby with that problem. We BOTH decided that that lifestyle just wasn't good for us and raising a baby and we both agreed on that not being a part of our lives. So fast forward only a month and a half later he asks me if he can bring home some alcohol cause we had this awkward tension (which we do cause we went into this not even acknowledging or having a plan to deal with our problems) and he needed to loosen up before talking to me and that it would only be this once.  Now, I feel like I can't tell my husband what to do because he is own person and I used to do that to a point where I was soooo controlling that I try not to do that anymore. So anyway, against me not wanting it in my house I let him do it. And then when he's drunk he tells me that he actually didn't stop drinking until 2 days before our wedding. And I thought it had been atleast two months. He said he lied because he knew I would be upset and we were getting married and he didn't want me to freak out. Like have 2nd thoughts about getting married. Ughhhhhhh!!! This is a huge deal to me. We had both agreed that this would not be in our lives cause we are going to be parents and we can't be drunk kids all the time anymore. And he can't drink sensibly and he doesn't make choices that reflect that he's actually in a relationship how the hell is he going to be a dad?! And since that time it's happened almost a dozen times since then and everytime we fight. I don't know what to do. I tell him if you bring it home I'm going to my parents house and you can stay here by yourself and I'll come home when I want to and then he brings it home anyway and the whole night he's fighting me to stay while getting drunk and I'm just sitting there crying cause I don't want this for our little girl. Every time. He always asks me but when I tell him how I feel he doesn't listen to me. And he apologizes every morning about how stupid he is and how he's so sorry and that he needs to grow up. But it's been 4 weeks and he hasn't stopped and he doesn't listen. I'm due in 9 weeks and I don't know what to do