Expressing milk after loss


Hi mommies!

I have a 11,5 month old son

And yet i can give him 10 ml milk

( he not latch since he was 5 month old when period came back)

So, since 3 days sadly we lost his sibling at week 7, and i have to take Ergam drops to clean out remained tissues

Was read it can cause milk stoping or producing less

From 10 ml it went to 4 now

I would ask that if i take milk suppliement amount raise helper capsule - then luckily i’ll may able to counter this possible negative effect of the medication long as i have to take it ( for 7 days). Right ?

Or if it cant help during medication then possibly after i stop to take it - i ‘ ll able to squeeze same ml as before or nearly and to continue to raise it by supply-capsule. Right ?

I would be really glad if any of you can make my heart calm and Happy abt it atleast beside the tragedy of loss 😞 that would be a double sorrow if milk would say bye.

I would keep give him some mom milk long as is still can 🥰

Already daily gave him since half year now as after he stopped latch at 5

Pic is the amount i could express before this pregnancy what we lost this week