Your Husbands


How often does your husband help with your baby at night or in general?

Last night our baby was crying and my bedroom door was open and bc my boyfriend sleeps in there he came and shut my door and said I was being a douche bag for not closing it. I was pumping for the r longest time and had no time to myself and was exhausted but he NEVER offered to help.

He has helped me with baby 3 night in 8 months. I could count the number of diapers he’s changed on my hands but it’s maybe 10.

He says he cleans “my” house but everything is still dirty. All he did was pick up trash in the kitchen and wasn’t even too happy about that when I asked.

I’m so close to being done but it’s so hard for me to part ways. He says if I keep disrespecting him the I’m gonna lose a partner.

I am so numb to him. I don’t find him attractive anymore. I don’t sexually desire him anymore. I don’t feel in love with him anymore, haven’t for awhile.

I very much resent him because he doesn’t help. He occasionally holds the baby when I ask or occasionally watches him so I can do some chores. My mind wants to say that I hate him but hate is a strong word. Idk how to fix this. Idk if I can. But I want to be respected and loved and I want a man who wants to help with the baby and is excited to do it.

Advice please