Was I being so extra?

My 4 year old started reception class in September and all the time he keeps telling me that one particular boy in his class keeps pushing him during playground… I have spoken to his teacher multiple times about it and they keep saying that they’ll keep an eye during playtime. Now on Friday evening my son was complaining of neck pain… he was crying soooo much! I asked him what happened and he said that the same child grabbed and hurt his neck. I sent the teacher an email saying

“ Dear Mrs…,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my increasing concern about a situation involving …, which has not been adequately addressed despite previous incidents being brought to your attention.

… has repeatedly mentioned being pushed by another child, and I was hoping this matter would be resolved swiftly. However, today, … has been complaining of so much pain on his neck, unable to raise his neck up and stating that the same child called “…” (unsure if I have spelled the name correctly) held and scratched his neck, causing significant pain. This is deeply concerning, and it leaves me worried about the emotional and physical safety of … at school.

I would like to request a meeting at the earliest opportunity to discuss this issue in detail.

Ideally, I would like this meeting to involve the school leadership team and the parents of the child in question so that we can work collaboratively toward a resolution that ensures this behavior is addressed and prevented in the future.

Please let me know a convenient time for this meeting. I trust the school takes such matters seriously and will take steps to create a safe and supportive environment for all students.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,



Do you think I am being “too extra” or is this the same step that you will take too?