Would you ask for lovenox ?

K • Secondary infertility. IVF. 👼 x4

I am due for FET in late December or early January provided we get a good embryo after testing. I have a history of recurrent loss, 3 losses that occurred before or at 7 weeks. I had all testing done for me and my husband over the course of the past year. All tests came back normal besides my TSH being slightly higher than recommended and going on synthroid back in April. Had something slightly off with my bloodwork back in May that they had me see a hematologist for. He did repeat bloodwork and said everything looked good no blood clotting disorders etc. he said back then I don’t think you need lovenox but if it’s something you and your clinic feel strongly about I’m willing to consider it because of your history of loss and wanting to try something different. Back then I didn’t think I needed it. Now that I’m doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> I’m wondering if it may be worth it to try it for when I do my transfer because I’m starting to feel like I’ve put so much into this, so much time energy and money, why would I not want to try everything I possibly could to prevent a loss, you know?? What would you do? Ask for the lovenox or not ?