Parents.. HELP!


My daughter (7) doesn’t sleep well at night at all, school have mentioned getting observed for ADHD (waiting for them to now contact me as I filled the forms in 3 months ago)

Anyway, she’ll go to sleep in her room around 8pm, bu the time she’s asleep it’s getting on for 9pm as she constantly needs the toilet, drink, or just comes in to ask me something. She’ll probably get an hour or two asleep before she comes into my room crying and screaming, asking to be with me. I try and put her back in her own room, which then just starts it all over again.

She’ll honestly wake up (in my room or her own) about 5 times a night, even when she’s been at school all day, or been out the entire day.. I’m just exhausted, has anyone else been through this please? It’s like her mind it’s just constantly on the go, by morning she’s a nightmare to be up and ready cause she’s just exhausted from the night!😩😩