Given birth and feeling low


Hey everyone! So I gave birth 2.5weeks ago via a c section. Everything went well and I got straight back on my feet that day and discharged myself from the hospital the following day. Everything has been going well the first week but 2nd week has been the hardest. I’ve been acting and carrying on like normal but everytime I look at myself in the mirror I’m completely disgusted in myself and the way I look. My c section scar looks horrendous, the incision had to be made bigger due to the size of my baby and missing what once was a smooth flat tummy with no stretch marks now has loads of stretch marks and I have the most horrendous “pocket pouch” and my belly is bulging over my bikini line. Then my cute little boy who had beautiful clear skin on his face is now absolutely covered in spots 😭 and now my husbands going back to work and left on my own and feeling bored, deflated and tired. Sorry just needed to vent as putting on a brave face infront of husband and oldest daughter but secretly falling apart