Pregnant (excited and worried)

Caitlin • Jacksons mommy 8/29/16. Braxton's mommy 1/31/18.
After a miscarriage on November 1st I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago. I'm so excited and I am praying for a sticky bean. I got a BFN on 10 dpo and didn't test again until 16 dpo which is when I got my BFP. So ladies who think they are out when they test too early I am proof that not everyone gets a BFP on 10 dpo. I'm a little extra worried because I woke up this morning with vomiting, diarrhea, and minor cramps. I think I may have caught a stomach bug or just ate something that baby didn't agree with. We found out on our honeymoon so that was pretty cool. Anyways everyone please send me some prayers for a sticky bean and baby dust to all of you!!!