I have 2 daughters age 19 and 21 they both have been in a phase of not talking to me or respecting me as their mother. The more I try to get closer to them they pull away. It’s like they desire to see me hurt😞 .. so much has happened. There was a time where we lost my mother my aunts and their father in a short period of time. I had to mentally check out to keep working so I could keep a roof over our head I also had a few bad relationships in the midst of all of this. Also most of their lives I worked as I was a single mother which didn’t allow for me to <a href="">nurture</a> my children the way I would have loved to. Their father 2 weeks before he passed started to come back into their lives. They are angry and hurt and I have apologized for everything I could possibly think of that I play a role in their hurt. I encouraged counseling they refuse. I tried to get them to understand every sacrifice I made to make sure they were good even to this day. But they just won’t listen to me. My heart hurts I’m praying so hard for them esp in this world today. I pray that they wake up. They grew up in church they have the foundation I send prayers scriptures and it’s like they barely even acknowledge the Lord! And it breaks my heart so badddddd!!!😩