Need help from emergency c-section moms!



Those who have had an emergency c-section and they KNOW they were cut vertically on the uterus (could still be horizontal on the outside). Meaning they CAN NOT deliver vaginally again. What does your chart say for the type of c-section you had.

Reason for asking:

Something that has stayed with me since my son’s birth and haunted me is the fact that I had to have an emergency c-section due to medical gaslighting. It was easily preventable and I was ignored for 16 hours until he was literally falling out of me on the toilet breech. Me and my husband missed the birth of our child, and that hit hard. I was asleep and he was not allowed in the room. Hearing that I had an “emergency c-section” as it was called numerous times over the weeks that followed, I assumed that meant that I could never deliver vaginally again. I had this weird feeling today that I should check my notes on my online charts from my delivery and every single time it is mentioned as a “emergency c-section, low transverse”

I looked up what that means and it says an incision made horizontally in the uterus… but that means that I CAN deliver vaginally again. A million emotions hit me because I wasn’t even upset about the c-section. After everything, it did end up saving my son’s life (although had they listened to me from the beginning it wouldn’t have been necessary). But I feel like I definitely said something about not being able to deliver vaginally again and they said yes. Honestly the whole thing is a blur and I suffer from PTSD from the whole thing so I’m hoping for some closure.