Question for other moms

Just wondering if any experienced moms can offer some advice. I have a 2 year old and 4 month old. I take my toddler to an indoor play gym (class is 50 mins) when my husband is home and can keep the baby home, but I’d love to take my toddler more often, I would just have to take my baby with us. The only way I see it working is baby wearing, inward if he’s asleep and forward facing when he wakes up. It’s just kind of loud in there with music and also it’s cold season so I worry it’s irresponsible to take him?

Alternatively we can go to the library so my toddler can play with other kids.

Otherwise we’re just home, playing outside or in, and he gets 1 hour of tv before lunch so I can take a break and focus on my baby for an hour.

I’m not so worried about feeding the baby or him crying, I know he’ll be ok, I just am not sure if that’s irresponsible. I also looked on Reddit where most people say forward facing the baby is bad (too much for them to see and bad for their development). I forward faced my older one starting around 4 months and he’s fine now but maybe I just got lucky?