Weight gain

I have been exercising and eating healthy since high school. When I got pregnant I weighed 112 pounds and had no cellulite. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and I have been working out 6 days a week doing cardio and weight training and eating super healthy. I went to my 23 week check up on the 7th and the doctor shook her finger in my face and told me I'd already gained too much weight for my frame (15 pounds) since I'm five feet tall. She told me I should only gain 20 pounds for my entire pregnancy and told me to cut back on my healthy food intake. I'm still wearing petite extra small in all of my maternity clothes. Everything with my blood work and the baby is perfectly healthy. Has anyone else experienced extreme stress and confusion over how much weight to gain during pregnancy? I'm so frustrated trying to do the right the thing and feeling like a failure!