Birth plan for a Csection?


So i know Im having a csection regardless of if i go into labor or not (due to medical reasons).

I was just curious if anyone has ever made specific requests... And how much can we as parents dictate what happens?

Such as - OR music, who cuts the cord, being involved in all possible medical decisions, holding baby after, breast feeding asap, place of recovery, if baby needs to go to NICU and dad goes with baby can my mom come to me for the remainder of my surgery?

I dont wanna be too picky but i know last time was an emergency and it all happened so fast and they had to give me an insane amount of drugs so i couldnt feel them so i was in another universe. All i remember is laughing at my ex for crying when baby was born and then kissing my babys cheek and then they ran her off to the nicu and i fell asleep! I dont want that experience again i want to be as sober as possible and be past of the birth as much as i can.