Break up..

My boyfriend and I broke up on Wednesday, January 5th. We would have been together 4 months on January 10th. I know that's not alot of time, but we were best friends , and have know each other all our lives. I found out he had been talking to this girl I'm England. At first he told me she was ugly, fat, unattractive, etc. She was pretty, nice body, and enjoyed anime and art as well as he did. I am not skinny, I'm kind of chubby. I'm not that pretty. Of course I got jealous. I cried and threw his phone at him. He told me I had no reason to worry. The next day, I went to my best friends house, and out of nowhere he broke up with me. I had a breakdown, I cried hysterically. I told him best friend what happened , and he got mad. I have barely eaten, I cry myself to sleep, I don't want to do anything, I let my room get a mess. What do I do...I think I'm taking it this hard because he took my virginity (I took his as well.) But I don't know. He told me on Saturday he needed a few days (3-7) to think about things it is 1:30 in the morning on Monday, and I can't help but think about him. This is the longest I have went with out talking to him. I'm freaking out. I hope he comes back because I love him with everything in me. I gave up everything for him (I know I shouldn't have, please don't comment that.) I need someone to talk to, to get my mind off things...I'm tired of crying, and sitting around all the time, waiting for him.. oh, and his family and him got me things for Christmas, should I keep it or? And should I ask for the stuff I got him back...? Someone please help...