My body is acting strange!!!

Tell me if I'm freaking myself out...
So my husband left for Europe for job purposes and I was able to meet him out here (where we currently are) after a month of him being away. When I got out here we obviously hadn't had sex in a month so for the first week we really got it in!! Lol!
Glow said I wasn't ovulating so we didn't see it as a problem, we only use pull out method anyways and it's worked for 2 years. A few weeks later I was 5 days late and bled for 2 days, stopped for 2 days and bled again for 1 day (light).. This was an unusual period for me, normally bleed for about 5 straight. 
Now it's been 5 weeks since I've been here and the past few days I've been weird! I've been nauseous (almost like car sick) and some smells will make we want to vomit! I've been constipated, extra emotional, irritated easily.
Could it be that I have a little bun in the oven, or am I just freaking myself out here....