Morning Ladies,
So.. Last night, i had this dream that I was pregnant only there was no belly or baby in sight.?? Weird right!? So my dream continues within a setting of like a hospital. All of my family was there and so was my boyfriends. I went through everything possiably a pregnant women should go through "i think" before she gives birth. I was placed in a room on a bed. I was in a gown, i recieved an epidoral "not sure if i spelled that correctly". And i was hooked up to an IV. The only weird thing about the dream was that I wasnt hooked up to no other machines and I cant remember seeing a belly. All i can remember in my dream was that I was watching other pregnant women walk by me with they tummys out but when i looked down at mines it was flat... What can this dream possiably mean? :( Does this mean I want a baby so bad and a family I am overly thinking about it? Mind you also in the middle of the night, I was peeing like crazy "Sorry TMI"