Need to vent...crappy doctors

So I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks the beginning of August. It was an ectopic pregnancy. I had a normal period in September and October and in November my period was 8 days late and mimicked the implantation I had with my last pregnancy. I haven't had a period since then and I went to the doctor, urine test was negative, and I asked if they could do a blood test because that's the only way it showed up with my last pregnancy ( even though I was already 6 weeks 4 days along) they refused to do one and the lady began to tell me at the front desk what they would do if I was having an ectopic pregnancy, he was talking down to me about it! Like seriously!! I know what happens! I just dealt with it a few months ago! They talked down to me, and weren't listening to what I wanted! My husband and I are TTC and the doctor wanted to put me on birth control!