Bad start


2016 started very stressfully for me. First my husband is in a custody battle with his ex.

For a whole year, he's gotten his son 50\50, Tuesday through Friday one week then Tuesday through Saturday the next. Then, when we were in the hospital after we had our baby she sent him a message saying that January 1st he would only be getting him 3 hours on Wednesday and every other weekend, there was no discussion before she made that decision. When he told her he didn't agree to that she said she doesn't have to let him see his son until he pays child support and it's court ordered.

They had agreed a year ago that there would be no child support, and she also recently personally called his lawyer and told him there wouldn't be child support.

Then my grandma is hospitalized and it wasn't looking like she was going to make it. She had to have heart surgery.

Then my mom is hospitalized because of a large tear in her esophagus and is in icu. She has had a stroke and seizures while there but they don't know yet if it's caused damage. She had to have 6 units of blood because of the tear.

I almost lost my mom and my grandma first thing this year, and it's still uncertain about if my mom will be ok again.