Just moved in together. Any tips??

Hannah • Fur mamma. Heathen.
My partner and I just moved in together yesterday. We are very young and are still doing our undergrad work. 
He has no family to provide for him whatsoever, so he is a busy worker at Starbucks. I on the other hand do not work because my parents take care of me very well (rent, groceries, gas). However, my parents' pockets are not bottomless pits and I try to use whatever I can from my own savings (from my previous employment). So we are trying to furnish the new place with as little money as possible. 
We have done pretty well so far with getting every piece of furniture for less than 20 dollars, mostly from Craigslist and a few from ikea or Walmart. But we have found it to be rather difficult to find a fridge or a bed within our price range. 
Anyone have any favorite stores or online sites for good deals? On any piece of furniture. 
Tips? Suggestions? Thanks!