Preparation has helped

Hello I'm 22 TTC with #1. I allegedly have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) & have since I was about 14.
When I was younger with the condition, I would always tell myself that there was no way that I would ever get pregnant because it's me and it just isn't possible. I got sick of seeing everyone have kids and tell me my opinion didn't matter because I don't have kids blah blah blah. (I hate that)
Anywho. I got fed up with everything, including myself, and decided to do my research. I Googled soooo many things that I was curious about including blogs, product reviews, doctor recommendations... All that jazz. I then decided to order a few products to begin everything. 
-Evening Primrose Oil 
I make sure use/check off everything I've done, including CM
Now that I'm doing all of this, I feel so much more confident about my journey. I can almost imagine a little person kicking around inside of me... I'm going to stay positive. Thanks for reading ladies I hope this has helped.
Please follow me & I'll follow back. I'll keep my Glow updated with my journey & I hope you will too! 😊😊