Crossing my fingers.

So I got a positive OPK dating I surged early (CD11 normally CD15-16) so I tooknan HPT at 10 amd 12 DPO based on glow wich had AF due on the 11th. Both cane back BFN. I had downloaded a secound( and 3rd dont judge Im baby crazy) app for comparison that say based on my year of periods I would still my 28 day average and start today. Also even with a surge OPK on CD11 the other apps think based on LMP I ovulated at average tome making my DPO count way off like 5 days. Anyways still I decided Im a POAS addict since no AF i tested again and got this. First one agree 3 mins last after 8. I had a chemical last cycle. I really really hope this one sticks.