Water broke at 34 weeks

My water broke at 34 weeks. I woke up seriously questioning if I peed my pants cause I didn't think there was any way my water could have broke! After going into the hospital and them running the test to check for amniotic fluid it was confirmed! Baby girl would be here soon! They transfered me to a hospital with a NICU. They gave me cytotec to get my cervix softened and contractions were doing great on their own so I didn't need the pitocin. After contracting all night I only dilated to a 5 before baby's heartbeat kept dropping. 15 minutes later they ran in to check me and said if there wasn't significant change we were going to be delivering by c section. Just in 15 minutes I went from a 5 to a 9! Everyone was quickly getting ready and on our way to the OR we went! Baby girl decided to not even wait for the doctor! With no pushing at all she was born at 9:51 AM weighing 4 lbs 6.5 oz and is 17.5 inches long! She is doing great!!!