Hate not having a car

Caroline🌼 • in a relationship//dog mom of one
So this is just me ranting bc I'm annoyed. Feel free to ignore. 
I can't drive. I'm 19, and don't have a license. Mainly bc 1, I have severe anxiety and getting in the drivers seat makes me hyperventilate and start having a panic attack. And 2, I don't have the money for my own car. 
I was told a ear ago by my father in law that I was going to have to learn to drive. Which I know and agreed to. But it's been a year and he still hasn't tried to teach me. Everyone that I live with gets so annoyed that I can't drive but never takes the time to read me even when I ask. I've never had any experience and can't just take one of their cars and try to teach myself. 
Well I need to go to planned parenthood like yesterday to get a birth control prescription before my current runs out. My partner works all week long so I asked my sister in law to take me and she's being super bitchy and reluctant. So now I have to wait till next week or the wel after to go when my SO has a day off. Which means I'll be without protection for two weeks. (Yes I can use condoms I just would rather abstain than use them bc they're uncomfortable for me) 
I'm just annoyed that I can't frikken drive and no one will help me learn, yet they all still get mad when I need to go somewhere. I'm almost in tears, I just need a car so I can stop having to ask for rides like a child.