How do you curb baby fever?

Seriously- it's bad! I'm in a long distance relationship, only get to see him every two months or so. We've been together for a year and a half, friends for 4. We've talked about marriage, family, and living together.. But because of his job he can't move down yet. We use the pull out method (is it bad I hope it doesn't work?) every time, and two weeks later, I'm crying over a negative test. I swear if I even smell a new baby I'm going to have a meltdown. My question is simple- how do you STOP this baby fever? I got a dog a year ago (sounds dumb, but I thought it would help) and it's still just as bad. I've tried babysitting, but I crave the bond that I can only imagine develops between a mother and her child. Babysitting doesn't cut it. Help meee!! 😭😭😭