
So my husbands cousin came over today and him and I were talking. I was holding my son and realized he had pooped and told my husband to change him. My husband took the baby and went and changed him. As my husband was gone his cousin asked me why he had to change it. I told him because I take care of him all the time and it doesn't hurt for my husband to change it once. He told me that women are supposed to take care of the baby all the time and ask for no help from the husband. Then he went on to say that women shouldn't work and they need to stay home and clean and cook. 😡😡😡 I told him I can't wait until the day he has a child and realizes what kind of responsibility it is. I hate when people who don't have children talk like they know all about having children. And then to stereotype women? Oh my god he's so ignorant. I honestly can't believe some people. Rant over 😩