I pepper sprayed my neighbor's dog.

So this is awkward. 
I'm a bit rattled still, but just a few minutes ago my boyfriend dropped me off at the end of my driveway and then took off. I'm a bit of a worry wart so I carry pepper spray on me when walking in the dark. Even if it's up my driveway. 
Well my neighbor has a pitbull (not that the breed matters, but some might remember me mentioning him before) that is really aggressive. He's kept in a pen behind the house at all times since he broke through the wooden fence to get my little sister and I. Well surprise tonight he was NOT in that pen and came barreling across their yard towards me. I yelled for the neighbor and backed away towards the trees that line my driveway. I was expecting him to stop at the fence and bark about me but he jumped over it and kept going. I was terrified and when he started stalking towards me a sprayed him with the pepper spray. I know it hurt because he started whimpering and smearing his face against the ground.
His owner came out and was livid that I'd sprayed his dog. He yelled about it and called me some gross names. I was too rattled to say anything, and he's had a history of abusing his wife, so I ran up my driveway and now I'm sitting here in a cold sweat. I called my boyfriend to come get me.
That aside, should I call animal control or something? The dog has gotten to us before and tore open my sisters pant legs before (luckily not her leg). Is what I have to go off of enough to warrant that animal being put down? I'm tired of walking up and down my driveway scared silly that he's going to jump his fence and get us (which he could easily do and has done). Would you call it in? We have kids that get off of their bus right by that dog's yard. 
Sorry this isn't what I'd consider controversial😅 maybe the pitbull part is, but I'm most familiar with the women that frequent CC seeing as how I am one of those.