
Kayla • Just a vintage soul living in a modern world. 21 years young.
I have been suffering from Chronic Anxiety Disorder all of my life. Every day I wake up feeling very happy and fall asleep worried, sad, angry, upset, you name it. I have a million things on my mind every day; the same stuff sometimes. It's like an uncontrollable headache.
The reason I'm writing this is because I get urges to text someone when I know that I need to leave them be for now. It is killing me inside. This person has really bad depression and I just want to make this person happy but this person keeps telling me to give him time. Just a week ago he was talking to me non stop and every time I didn't text him back right away, he would text me something like: "reply to me." It was super cute but now, nothing. And I know it's the depression and I've had it before. But my anxiety is telling me that I need to text him or call him or go see him. I then have to remember that he probably won't answer his phone, answer his text or come to the door when I knock. And that doesn't help with my anxiety any more than it did before I texted, called or went over to his house. My anxiety just got worse. I told him that I'm here for him and he tells me that he will tell me why he's having depression sooner rather than later. It's like he went from all lovey dovey, cuteness to nothing at all. It has nothing to do with me, he reminds me of that but he also doesn't want to talk at all. To anybody. I just wish I was his muse. And I know I have to back off. Ugh. Anxiety.