Alright bitches!

Alright y'all are pissing me off! I keep seeing posts such as "rude" "rude people" " bitches" "bitchy people" let me get one thing straight were all women here! We all have raging hormones and periods!! Some worse than others! But y'all wanna call some people rude or bitchy when all in reality we can all be rude in bitchy. Notice I said the word "we" which is pertaining to all of us,  not some!! We all have been rude once or twice maybe more on this app. Maybe some are more rude than others. But like I said we are all women stating our opinions and honesty and we just don't know how to take it sometimes. Sometimes we think the person giving us advice or telling us what they think,  we take that as being rude or snobby. We don't know that! We also don't know each other on this app or what each other's personalities are. So for the ladies who post how SOME people are rude and bitchy think before you post. You may not think ur rude and u may not be rude 90% of the time but you've been rude at some point on here. Whether it's arguing with someone or disagreeing with someone or just putting in your honest opinion somone had to at least find you rude or bitchy. We are all bitchy and rude!! Not all the time but sometimes and we all have our own lives and we get stressed out and some have kids! Life sometimes makes us bitchy and rude. But stop pointing fingers at just SOME people when WE all do it!!