Annoyed!!!!!!! ??? help???

Today I went to see a gp (not my usual gp, she wasn't available) because I am 23 wks and really struggling with exhaustion at the moment as I am at uni full time, my last year too so I'm also doing my dissertation and have a part time job so literally I'm working 7 days a week, constantly on the go. 
​I wondered if I could possibly get a sick note from my job that will allow me at least some time to relax but the dr that I saw was so rude, he basically told me that I'm still in early stages of pregnancy so the tiredness is only going to get worse (duh!) so I should just get used to it!!!!!! I don't mean to be sexist but how can any man truely understand how a woman feels when pregnant??? Books can only teach you so much feeling it is something else!!!! Is this acceptable? I have asked for help and feel like I've just been shunned away to struggle on ? does anyone have any advice?