Anxiety/ TTC

Hey all, I need some help/advice/encouragement/something...
I was diagnosed with OCD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder when I was about 11 or 12 years old.  I've had a few episodes in my life where the anxiety became so severe I had to go on medication for a shortish time to help get it under control.  These were usually at some huge life transition or hormonal spell (the last one was right after I had my son). After each one of those times I was able to go back off medicine for a long time, even years sometimes, with no problems.  
My husband and I started trying for number 2 in August with no luck yet.  Right after Christmas my period started (a week late) and with it came a huge wave of anxiety that I haven't been able to get over.  My doctor said that I need to go back on medicine to help get this under control.  But I've been staunchly against being on medicine when trying to get pregnant.  I was able to stay off through the birth of my son, and I want to try to do it again.  My doctor put me on Zoloft which she said many women take all the way through pregnancies and have very healthy babies.  But it just scares me so much that my husband and I have decided that we are not  going  to actively "try" for a few months. 
In the meantime I'm trying to wrap my head around the disappointment that I wasn't strong enough to "fight" it and now we are having to delay what we have both wanted so much.  And I'm trying to figure out how safe it actually would be to get pregnant on Zoloft.  My goal is to be on it for a few months and then try to come off before trying again, but I'm also afraid of what would happen if I can't come off the medicine. 
So I need help... What are your experiences with anxiety and pregnancy?  How did you get through it and what do you suggest I do? Thanks so much in advance for your help