why is glow so inaccurate?!

Monica • I`m 22. Engaged to my partner of 6.5yrs. We have 2 son's, Samuel Reece joined heaven at 20weeks gestation to spont preterm labour, Vinvent Xavier who is now 3, was 7 weeks early, TTC#3
so i temp track, have for many many months but glow is still innacurate! yesterday my temp took a dip from 36.33 to 36.15, the .33 might have been higher then should have as i slept in, but today spiked to 36.41 and yesterday i had ewcm, yet glow is saying TODAY is my peak fertile day, previously temps have confirmed ovulation on CD17 or 18 every cycle (and have had 29 to 30 day cycles), I'm CD19 today. wtf glow get your act together! i actually knew yesterday that my temp would spike today based on the dip! chances are my temp will go up further or stay around the same for the rest of my cycle and only THEN you might change my peak day to yesterday. way to help someone conceive. also saying that today i only have a 33% chance of conceiving and yesterday only 22% chance when i had sex last night and the day before is radiculous. and stop nagging me to use opk's. they're a waste of money when BBT tracking is way more accurate. this is more a rant at glow.