Early preg hypothyroidism??

I'm just 6 weeks pregnant after a long try and multiple <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, and now so scared bc I was told today I have elevated TSH (hypothyroidism). Untreated, it is linked to a host of problems such as miscarriage, low birth weight, mental health/brain development problems. 
My level is 7.7, and they want you to be under 2.5. I have never had thyroid issues prior to pregnancy and I am now on Synthroid 50mcg daily. The Dr/nurses assure me that this is common and easily treatable, especially when diagnosed so early (before 6 weeks for me), that it is fairly common, and I'm likely to have a healthy baby.
Anyone else been through/dealing this this? Any advice? 
My heartbeat ultrasound is Tuesday and I'm so nervous! 😞