Superannuation and IVF (australia)

Shorty • TTC for many years.. Been with Hubby 11 years and Married for 6 years♡

Australian ladies please help.

Im nearly 28 years old (next week is my birthday) and hubby will be 31 this year. We have been together for 8+ years now and married for 3+ years. We have been TTC for 6+ years but more so since marriage.

We have had 3 losses together but i also had 1 miscarriage proir to hubby. One of them was an ectopic pregnancy requiring a tube removal and no futher pregnancies in the 2 years since.

We have both worked most of our adult years and have a nice amount of savings in our supers and we are wondering how you went about accessing a portion of your super to undergo complete fertility tests and then <a href="">IVF</a>?

What is involved with accessing and what reports/forms etc need to be filled? We are truly at this point now that we are desperate to start our family together, all we have both wanted to our own children to love.

Any advice will be very welcome.

(P.s Between hubby and I we have enough within our supers to access without affecting retirement at all due to 8+ years of extra contributions)