Pregnant and suddenly single

I really need some place to vent and this seems like the right place. I am 31 years old and 14 weeks pregnant. I was in a relationship with a man for over three years who I wanted to marry and have a family with. We broke up last April for a number of reasons but I still care deeply for him and miss him terribly. 
I began dating again last summer and I met the father of my child in September. We got along great. Things were going well and I had developed some feelings for him. Less that two months later, I suspected I might be pregnant. Which was bizarre to me since I was on birth control and had gone through fertility treatments during my marriage in my mid twenties with no success. Sure enough in early November I confirmed my suspicions. 
The relationship changed overnight. I was, and remain, extremely worried about the fathers ability to step up to the plate. He is excited to be a father but lacks common sense, initiative and financial stability (he is 33 and lives with his dad). Overcome with anxiety I expressed my concerns to women in my support group and my therapist. The resentments that I have against the father became overwhelming. This is not how I pictured my finally becoming a mother. I am incredibly excited for my child and to be a mother, but am also so fearful. 
Two weeks ago I decided that I no longer want to continue to see the father romantically. This decision was not made over night and I sought counsel from my support network before reacting to how I was feeling. He still wants to try to make it work and very much wants to support and help raise his child, which I am grateful for. I just cannot be with him romantically. He is too rough sexually and we really have nothing in common. I have expressed this to him with the reasons why and he is being respectful of my wishes. I am just feeling very full of regret. The man I dated for three years is who I pictured marrying and having children with. I am very sad about my current situation and could really use some encouragement and/or advice. 
Thanks ladies!!