Point of view on breastfeeding

You know, there is a lot pressure for women TO breastfeed because it is "healthier" for babies. But theres also a lot of women who are unable to breastfeed because they never produced milk, the baby won't latch, the baby was adopted, etc. I personally started with breastfeeding my son, he latched naturally, but then I tried to pump and it didn't work for me so I decided to give him formula so I could go out with him because it is not healthy for anyone to stay at home for a very long time. I personally chose to give him formula because I feel I am a very modest person and didn't want to try to breastfeed while walking and I don't like people staring at me even though you get that when you are pregnant and even after the baby is born. I personally chose this for my child and that's okay because it also gave other's the chance to bond and feed my son as well. I personally chose to breastfeed but decided not to do it for very long. It is a PERSONAL decision of the mother and no one else's. So please leave breastfeeding moms alone because it is a hard decision. Babies who are breastfed have to be fed more often causing the mom to loose more sleep and I'm not saying parents who formula feed get more sleep, I am just stating facts that breastfed babies have to eat more often. That is what you are told in the hospital. It truly is a big decision so please when you see a mom breastfeeding do not belittle her because you think it is wrong for her to do it in public. You don't know her reason behind the decision. She may not even be able to afford formula and the milk in her is naturally there and free for her baby. Please give more respect to them. Moms do not deserve to be yelled at for giving nourishment to a child, they deserve respect for their personal decision even if you don't agree with it. Just stop...think and remember she chose this and may not be able to afford an alternative.