Maca Root

😻Bella😼 • TTC baby #1 please send baby dust me way:0)

Hey ladies, All you ladies who has PCOS try Maca Root. I also suffer from PCOS and I bought this Maca Root off ebay not only is it inexpensive but it really works. I did a lot of research on it and my AF comes every month on time, which means I'm ovulating and it's very beneficial for us woman who has PCOS! Also I have lots of energy too. So before you give up try Maca supplement. It's all natural too. I just wanna pass my experience along to all you ladies out there. I screen shot the bottle I'm taking, it's only $12.85 and it's a huge bottle.

As always I wish all you Glow ladies all the baby dust in the world! Many blessings 😊