Mommies, LOs, and Cleaning


For all you mommies...I've recently discovered the cleaning power of...Kool-aid. It must be orange or lemon as the key ingredient (for cleaning purposes) is the citric acid. It cut through built up calcium/minerals/who knows what else that was in our toilet bowl and sink making them look brand spankin new. It's cheap, smells good, and isn't a harmful toxic/chemical concoction. For the toilet bowl I let it sit about 3 hours (it was baaaad) and the sink sit for about 45 minutes. Brushed and rinsed and voila! No more stains, no more stinky smells, just a sparkling toilet bowl and sink.

*I will add, I tried the Coca-cola trick but it did not even put a dent in the stains in our toilet. So I would venture to say, at least in my case, that the Coke Cleaning Method seems to just be a myth.

*Also, I stupidly did not take before and after pics but if you try it you'll see positive results!!