Food aversions?

Amy • Married since May, 2015 but with my soulmate since 2007. Gavin, was born at 36+2 on 6/21/16 is now big brother to Ryan born at 40+5 on 7/20/18!!
Other than the occasional (very mild) nausea, not being able to stand the smell of peppermint, and my breasts being sore, I didn't really have many symptoms in my 1st trimester...can't really complain about that!  Now that I'm in my 2nd trimester (when symptoms are supposed to be improving!) I noticed I'm having food aversions to a lot of things I used to eat regularly (even in my 1st trimester).  I feel like nothing appeals to me even though I'm hungry.  This morning I ate one of my regular breakfasts but had to force it down bc it was making me nauseous!  Anyone else develop this during their 2nd trimester?