Severe endometriosis should I even bother with IUI?

After getting pregnant spontaneously I had a miscarriage in June and was then found to have stage IV Endometriosis. Underwent surgical resection where I was told afterwards "we got it all." It's been 3 months since the surgery and here's what I've done:
<a href="">IUI</a> #1 +Clomid: very thin lining, had to start estrogen and baby ASA and only 1 mature follicle, great sperm. Only did 1 <a href="">IUI</a> and the next day had timed intercourse = BFN
<a href="">IUI</a> #2+Femara: lining was only 6.5 mm but they could see all three layers unlike last time, started baby ASA only. 2 mature follicles, great sperm. = BFN
My Dr says 3 IUIs before giving up and moving to <a href="">IVF</a> but I'm wondering why I bothered with <a href="">IUI</a> at all considering all the literature says that <a href="">IVF</a> is better for women with moderate/severe endometriosis. 
I don't have to time to do <a href="">IVF</a> in March or April (hard to explain but I'm an intern in residency and my schedule is not my own)
I just feel so bummed that I may have wasted time on a procedure that won't work. I feel the clock ticking am freaking out. Does anyone else with moderate/severe Endo have any success with <a href="">IUI</a>?