This waiting...

Valerie • 33 years old. My husband and I have been ttc for 7 1/2 years. November 8th, 2016 I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I had a d&c with the Mirena placement afterwords. I received the call November 2017 that my biopsy finally came back cancer free. Feb
Today is cycle day 30. This is my second month using clomid, first month my 21 day progesterone check came back at a 1.4 so my dose was doubled. This month my 21 day progesterone level was a 16.2 so much better. Took an hpt on cycle day 28 and a BFN. Yesterday, day 29, I was all over the place emotionally. I had heart burn and was very fatigued. The end of the night right before bed I had the smallest amount of spotting, barely noticeable, and then cramps. I'm not sure what to think of this. Has anyone experienced this and ended up with a BFP? Any thoughts or advice or just baby dust wishes would be appreciated, thanks.